Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University

About Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University

The college adopts the regulations and instructions issued by the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and seeks to prepare students academically and technically to provide them with scientific knowledge and applied experiences and develop their skills.

The focus of the Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University is primarily on the quality of education, scientific research and entrepreneurship, in order to prepare and prepare its alumni By developing their skills and abilities Lifelong learning And arming them with knowledge to become the leaders of the nation in the future. At the same time, the Baghdad University College of Economic Sciences aspires to spread and enhance knowledge in the State of Iraq in order to expand the base of scientific and literary studies and then keep pace with the leading countries in the fields of arts and sciences, and work to contribute to discoveries and inventions, and to revive Iraqi civilization and restore its glories.

Electronic platforms

Research published in Scopus through February 2024
Total Academic
Total Student
Total Graduated

Latest News

قسم هندسة تقنيات الحاسوب يستمر بالامتحانات العملية لليوم الرابع

#كلية_بغداد_للعلوم_الاقتصادية_الجامعة #اعلام_كلية_بغداد برعاية الاستاذ الدكتور قاسم نايف المحياوي عميد كلية [...]

قسم هندسة تقنيات الحاسوب يستمر بالامتحانات العملية

#كلية_بغداد_للعلوم_الاقتصادية_الجامعة #اعلام_كلية_بغداد برعاية الاستاذ الدكتور قاسم نايف المحياوي عميد كلية [...]

Online lectures


A guide for Iraqi teachers and researchers to use the

Google Scholar


A guide for Iraqi teachers and researchers to use the



A guide for Iraqi teachers and researchers to use the



A guide for Iraqi teachers and researchers to use the


research id

A guide for Iraqi teachers and researchers to use the

Researcher ID

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Teacher's Guide #1

Create a question bank

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Teacher's Guide #2

Create an online final exam

google form icon 2

Teacher's Guide #3

Archive and create a virtual classroom and invite students 

In the platform

Google Workspace For Education

google form icon 2

A guide to energy sources
Renewable energy and its impact on the environment
and environmental pollution

Social links

College map 

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