
The division works to apply the educational quality assurance system in all the college's educational, research and other activities to ensure the delivery of high-quality academic programs and obtain excellence in this field. The Quality Assurance Division at the college seeks to continuously improve its work and consolidate the principles of quality assurance for all affiliates through self-assessment practices according to national and international standards, as well as evaluating the performance of faculty and staff and assessing institutional performance according to national classification standards in order to obtain programmatic and institutional accreditation.

The division performs the following tasks:

  • Working to achieve the college's mission and strategic objectives by ensuring the quality of the educational, research and community process in the college.
  • Work to reconcile the different activities, programs, and projects that aim to develop the educational process.
  • Spreading the culture of quality and accreditation among faculty members, their assistants, administrative staff, employees, and students of the university.
  • Applying accreditation and quality control standards at the level of the college, its departments and its administrative units.
  • Earning the community's trust in graduates according to international standards that the community accepts for quality performance and diversity of information
  • Strengthening the relationship between the university and the community to develop and improve the services provided by the college.
  • Cooperate and strengthen the relationship with local, regional and international quality assurance and accreditation organizations.

السعي الى تعزيز ثقافة التحسين المستمر في جميع اقسام الكلية مما يؤهل الكلية الحصول على الاعتماد المؤسسي والأكاديمي من هيئات الاعتماد المحلية والإقليمية والدولية

تحسين الاداء الجامعي وضمان الجودة والحصول على الاعتماد الاكاديمي

– نشر ثقافة ضمان الجودة والاعتماد الأكاديمي في الكلية.

-التنسيق مع وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي بشان مستجدات ضمان الجودة والاعتماد الأكاديمي.

-تطبيق و متابعة الاعتماد المؤسسي والبرامجي في الكلية والاقسام.

-إعداد التقارير الدورية عن تنفيذ الاعتماد المؤسسي والبرامجي.

– إعداد تقارير دورية عن التحسين والتحسين المستمر.

-متابعة مستجدات ضمان الجودة والاعتماد الاكاديمي.

-الانفتاح على المؤسسات المحلية والعربية والعالمية في مجالات ضمان الجودة والاعتماد الأكاديمي.

-توثيق معايير الاعتماد المؤسسي والبرامجي للكلية واقسامها.

The division includes three units:

Performance Evaluation Unit Laboratory Accreditation Unit Classifications Unit

Global ratings

Webometrics Ranking of World Universities

The Webometrics World University Rankings is an initiative by the Cybermetrics Lab organization, a subsidiary of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spain's largest public research body. Established in 2004, the Webometrics ranking aims to provide comprehensive coverage of higher education institutions (HEI's) regardless of country or specialization. The ranking currently contains more than 31,000 global educational institutions from more than 200 countries.

The Webometrics World University Rankings is recognized as the largest academic assessment of higher education institutions. The rankings provide consistently scientific, meaningful and objective results, which can be relied upon to determine the performance of the world's best universities at a high level across the globe every six months.

The main goal of ranking universities globally through Webometrics is to encourage easy access to the information published by the university. The ranking team is made up of a group of scientists working at global research institutions with significant experience in the field. The ranking of universities and colleges is a research project, and any change in methodology may conform to new findings or provide new sources.

Webometrics' global university ranking indicators



منهجية التصنيف



Easily visible when searching online

Impact of website content

The number of impressions on external networks (subnets) linked to the organization's website

Ahrefs Majestic



Most Citations

Number of quotes from the top 110 authors (excluding the top 10 most irrelevant ones)

Google Scholar Profiles



Most number of research papers

عدد الأبحاث من بين أعلى 10٪ تم الاستشهاد بها في كل مجال من التخصصات الـ 26 في قاعدة البيانات الكاملة بيانات السنوات الخمس: 2015-2019




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